19 December 2006

Infant Tortured by Immoral Physician

This link is provided as a resource for parents/guardians who are interested in learning more about how physicians are treating our children. This child is in excruciating pain. Note how the doctor torturing him doesn't fucking CARE. Actual cutting and dissecting is shown, so viewer discretion is advised. More about this video can be found at the link above.

Any parent, who after seeing this video, would still allow this procedure to be performed on their child without benefit of anesthesia is an sadistic piece of shit, and a waste of humanity.

The doctor in this video is committing crimes against humanity. Maybe someone should tie him down, and do this to him.

13 December 2006

Spiky Star of Jesus

Now this is a nice inexpensive decoration you can make at home.
Follow the link for instructions. And be sure to leave some love for the good folks there!